keep in contact with each other中文什么意思

发音:   用"keep in contact with each other"造句
  • keep:    vt. (kept ) 1.拿着,保 ...
  • contact:    n. 1.接触;联系;交涉。 2.〔 ...
  • each:    adj. 各,各自的,每。 each ...
  • other:    adj. 1.别的,另外的,其他的; ...
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  1. Therefore , in deciding to work in the mainland , family members should be fully consulted and some consensus should be arrived at , such as making regular phone calls and email to keep in contact with each other , and to agree beforehand for some dates to gather together
  2. Therefore , in deciding to work in the mainland , family members should be fully consulted and some consensus should be arrived at , such as making regular phone calls and email to keep in contact with each other , and to agree beforehand for some dates to gather together


  1. keep in abeyance 什么意思
  2. keep in check 什么意思
  3. keep in communication with 什么意思
  4. keep in contact 什么意思
  5. keep in contact with 什么意思
  6. keep in custody 什么意思
  7. keep in dark place 什么意思
  8. keep in hand 什么意思
  9. keep in hold 什么意思
  10. keep in line ; no overhead 什么意思


世界上最致命的动物 第一名居然不是人类  (双语)

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